Protein Pancakes - Oatmeal Made Interesting

It seems that oatmeal, mixed with protein, is often a staple of fitness enthusiasts when it comes to breakfast. Sometimes the same old thing just gets bland, so how do you keep it interesting?

Protein Blend

Since the question of what to eat comes up so often, I thought I would share a favorite secret breakfast recipe. This "do it yourself" pancake recipe gives you amazing lean protein intake. Once you try these pancakes, oatmeal is made a lot more interesting. Yum!

Protein Blend

Protein Pancakes

1/2 Cup Low Fat Cottage Cheese

6 Egg Whites

1 Packet of Plain Instant Oatmeal

Cinnamon and Vanilla To Taste

1 Teaspoon Lemon Extract

6 Packets Artificial Sweetener

1/2 A Banana

Blend All Together In A Blender

Pour Small Amounts Into A Skillet And Cook On Either Side With Non Stick Spray.

Provides roughly 350 calories, 40 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat, and about 40 grams of carbohydrate, per serving.

Recipe makes two servings for a perfect breakfast and midday snack.

The Truth...

Diet really is one of the biggest keys to radical body transformation. In fact, all the most amazing workout programs in the world will let you down without the right focus on diet. This is something that applies to both muscle growth and fat loss.

The key factor for the fast transformations of people you see on TV and in magazines is diet. The way these people are coached in their eating habits allows their body to produce exactly the right balance of natural hormone and metabolic reaction to change things very quickly. Exercise is part of it, but it is only about 20% of the story.

Protein Pancakes - Oatmeal Made Interesting
Protein Blend

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